Evaluation of factors that influence the infraction notice for noise pollution

  • Francisco Ivander Amado Borges Alves Universidade Federal do Ceará https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7633-2966
  • Jackeline Lucas Souza Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Lys Bessa Peixoto Correio Universidade Federal do Ceará
Keywords: noise pollution, determining factors, environmental infraction, environmental fine, environmental law.


The environment is essential to all spheres of society. More than ever, the importance of caring for natural goods and for an ecologically balanced environment is noted, since they do not belong to anyone privately and their use must be conscious, especially so that the next generations enjoy this environment and that environmental impacts are minimized. This research collected 555 notices of environmental violations in the noise pollution category, for the year 2017, made available by the SEUMA - Secretariat of Urbanism and Environment, seeking to analyze the economic capacity of the offender, the severity of the damage and the recurrence of the infraction. As influencing characteristics in the values of fines, according to Decree No. 6,514 / 2008. In the applied equation model, it was found that two variables positively influenced the value of fines (economic capacity of the offender and recurrence of the infraction), while the potential polluting variable did not influence the value of the fine for environmental infraction, being partially at odds with the applicable legislation.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Ivander Amado Borges Alves, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Graduado em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2018). Analista de treinamento na Concentrix Fortaleza

Jackeline Lucas Souza, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Trabalho no(a) Universidade Federal do Ceará como Professor Titular desde 2019. Possuo formação de Doutorado em Engenharia Civil - Recursos Hídricos. Atuo nas áreas: tributária (apuração, planejamento tributário e incentivos fiscais), ambiental (valoração econômica e estimativas de valor) e gestão de custos e formação de preços (empresarias, fiscais e ambientais).

How to Cite
Borges Alves, F. I. A., Souza, J. L., & Correio, L. B. P. (2020). Evaluation of factors that influence the infraction notice for noise pollution . Texture, 14(1), 131-142. https://doi.org/10.22479/texturav14n1p31-142
Agrarian Sciences