Implementation of the project of ecological products in the municipality of Gandu-BA

  • Edmile Silva Farias Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia-UFRB
  • Caliane Silva Braulio Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia-UFRB
  • Ana Paula Silva Novaes Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia-UFRB
  • Israel Paiva Linhares Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia-UFRB
  • Lorena da Paixão Oliveira Instituto Federal Ciência e Tecnologia-IFBaiano
Keywords: Agroecology, organic products, co-producer



In academic training, put into practice the theoretical knowledge that is taught in the classroom, which is extremely important, since, in addition to improving the quality of teaching, practice the student's training and capacity building activities for the job market. Therefore, the work aimed to develop contact with students with family farmers to create a marketing channel for certified agroecological products in the municipality of Gandu - BA, in the year 2019. and Network of Peoples of the Forest in the municipality of Piraí do Norte, Ibirapitanga, Igrapiúna and Gandu; Construction and monitoring of the sales channel for agroecological products via internet (WhatsApp®, Instagram® and Google Forms®) in the municipality of Gandu. The work provides a description of the actions carried out with the OCT institution. It is concluded that, from this monitoring, the practice of experiencing the knowledge and information essential for academic and / or professional training, those involved in the activities. The implementation of the commercialization project contributes to local development. Agroecological fairs are an opportunity to value family farming.


How to Cite
Silva Farias, E., Silva Braulio, C. ., MACHADO, J., Silva Novaes, A. P., Paiva Linhares, I., & da Paixão Oliveira, L. (2021). Implementation of the project of ecological products in the municipality of Gandu-BA. Texture, 15(1), 61-75.