Propagação vegetativa de arnica-brasileira (Solidago chilensis meyen) utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e substratos

Vegetative propagation of Brazilian arnica (Solidago chilensis meyen) using diferent types of cuttings and substrates

  • Fabiana Assis Pereira Universidade Federal da Bahia/ Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde – IMS-CAT , Vitória da Conquista- Bahia, Brasil,
  • Vanessa Tigre Almeida Chaves Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
  • Ana Carolina da Cunha Rodrigues Universidade Federal da Bahia- / Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde – IMS-CAT
Keywords: Propagation, Cutting, Sprouting., Rooting cuttings


The objective of the work was to evaluate which are the types of substrates and the types of substrates and the types of cuttings most eficiente for the propagation of Solidagos chilensis, since there are few works related to the propagation of this plant species. The experimente was carried out at the Botâny Laboratory and conducted to the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in the city of Vitória da Conquista-BA. Herbaceous branches 10 cm long with three diferente cuts were used for experimente. There types of substrate were selected: Sand washed with black soil (TPA), Bioplant (BIO) and vermiculite with húmus (VH). The experimental design adopted was the DIC, in a 3x3x5 factorial scheme (substrates X type of pile) with five replications of five cuttings per plot. Solidago chilensis constitutes itself in a fedined way in all three types of tested substrates, considering that the priority percentage was equal to 100%. It was concluded, therefore, that the type of cut did not interfere in the presence of roots, leaf retention and sprouting, however, it affects in relation to the number of toots, leaf retention and sprouting. The cuttings develop more explicitly in the vermiculite substrate with húmus.


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How to Cite
Assis Pereira, F. ., Tigre Almeida Chaves, V., & da Cunha Rodrigues, A. C. . (2023). Propagação vegetativa de arnica-brasileira (Solidago chilensis meyen) utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e substratos: Vegetative propagation of Brazilian arnica (Solidago chilensis meyen) using diferent types of cuttings and substrates . Texture, 17(1), 98-111.
Agrarian Sciences