Special Issue: Emergence and Unfolding instituted by the 'COVID-19' Pandemic and the Implications in the Higher Education Scope

  • Weliton Antônio Bastos de Almeida Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Lara Cristine da Silva Vieira Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Luciana Santos Lago Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Antônio Anderson Freitas Pinheiro Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Paulo Roberto Ribeiro de Mesquita Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Gilmara Alvarenga Fachardo Oliveira Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Andrea dos Santos de Souza Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Kaliane Rocha Soledade
  • Karen Luane Sá Santa Barbara Sobral Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM
  • Elizabeth Amélia Alves Duarte Faculdade Maria Milza - FAMAM


The year 2020 was characterized by changes and transformations that required abrupt adaptations in society (from the Latin societăs "association") and, consequently, in nations of worldwide due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic, so designated by the WHO - World Health Organization in March 2020, established a kind of 'globalization' in public health [a metaphor for the epidemiological sense of Pandemia]. In this context, all the organizational spheres of world society have matched the status of “social isolation”, setting the historical framework of the Third Industrial Revolution or Digital Age as it has been spread. The COVID-19 Pandemic reverberated in the three sectors of society (State, Market and Civil Society) unusual actions that, although based on vast technology, came up against the disparity in their dissemination and application. Against the odds, the academic and scientific sectors have focused on technological resources, bringing together and sharing research, whose worldwide efforts have resulted in the record of immunizations (vaccine) against COVID-19. Contiguously, the education sectors diverged opinions and action plans in the 2020 academic year, which continue in a wide discussion for the newcomer 2021. In this context, as the editor in chief of the Texture, I invited the general director and educational managers (course coordinators) from Faculdade Maria Milza-FAMAM to present the panorama of this HEI - Higher Education Institution, located in the Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil in the face of Emergencies and unfolding instituted by the ' COVID-19’ Pandemic and the implications in the higher education Scope.


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How to Cite
Antônio Bastos de Almeida, W., Cristine da Silva Vieira, L., Santos Lago, L., Freitas Pinheiro, A. A., Ribeiro de Mesquita , P. R., Alvarenga Fachardo Oliveira, G., dos Santos de Souza, A., Rocha Soledade, K., Sá Santa Barbara Sobral, K. L., & Amélia Alves Duarte, E. . (2021). Special Issue: Emergence and Unfolding instituted by the ’COVID-19’ Pandemic and the Implications in the Higher Education Scope. Texture, 14(3), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.22479/texturav14edespecialp1-10

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